Aipu Shaker screens life story for your reference
Aipu shaker screens life is popular question from our client and end user. Lets tell you below story as more reference for you.
General impression of Aipu shaker screens
Many of our clients selected us after checking our sample. And we are willing to send sample to our customer. Since we are confident our screens are different from others’ screen panel. From the screen cloth surface to frame structure you’ll find difference
Once, a new client sent us inquiry with a picture. On that picture, there is used screen. He requested “please quote us best offer on the same screen, the screens look very beautiful and durable” . After checking picture, we found it was the screen we delivered to other client.
This inquiry and word makes us proud, and confident. Special structure, and excellent appearance lead a general impression of shaker screen.
Aipu shaker screens life and cost
Screen panel life is not changeless. Same screen panel under different drilling condition will perform different accordingly. But, why clients select Aipu and tell us the screen life makes them happy.

Aipu shaker screens life-500 screen
There should be a competition between Aipu screen panel and the original screen panel. If drilling condition, mud property and mesh size are same, and our screen last almost same time then the screens will be verified as high quality level
Screen cost varies among different type, dimension, size. Compared to original screens, our price is only a quarter or one third of famous original screen.
One client from USA sent us detail test report. The screen is 180mesh MG, their well depth is 9000-13400ft. The main cuttings and ground formation is shale. Our corrugated screen lasts over 180 hours. They are happy with the screen quality and life. While another client told us our corrugated screens last over 400 hours.
Why we quoted different price on screens?
Every year we deliver over 30000 panels screen. Almost of the screens are repeat orders from our regular clients. We’d like to expand our business region, extend our screen business to more clients
However, many clients don’t give us feedback just after receiving our quotation. They replied “your shaker screen price is too high” “Your screen is expensive”. So now, we’ll quote lower price screen too. We’d like to tell clients we can provide screen at lower cost. However, the screen raw material and some configuration are definitely different
If you’d like to know more detail about our quality and price difference please call us freely. You’ll know what is the true difference. You can select quality grade accordingly then
[…] Aipu shaker screens are famous brand and got high appreciation from users. We are not the lowest price, we are the most reasonable price supplier. Our products are high cost-effective. You will get high quality shaker screens at lower cost. You’ll save time on changing screen panels and seeking quality suppliers […]