Drilling mud tank agitator and mud gun
Drilling mud tank agitator is the necessary equipment to mix drilling fluid during oil drilling at oilfield. Mud gun can be used together with agitators as well.
Drilling mud tank agitator dimension
The mud agitator impeller size and power demand can be calculated against tank size confirmation. If we don’t know the maximum density of drilling fluid we’d better set 2.4g/cm³ as standard. Then we can get sufficient safe data the complete agitation on any fluids will be achieved without any worries on motor over loading. Most oilfield mud agitators speed is 50-90rpm
The agitator impeller dimension will be calculated via each parts TOR. The TOR unit is “s” that means move all fluid in tank will take how long time. So, the tank volume and impeller discharge we’ll get the impeller size
Detail calculation on impeller and power
For example, one drilling fluid is 30ft long, 10ft wide, and 10ft height. The maximum drilling fluid density is about 16lb/gal. If the drilling mud density is not assured we can treat it as 20lb/gal. There are totally 3 even compartment in this tank and all solids have been removed

Drilling mud tank agitator
Any fluid in any tank, the liquid level should be 1 ft lower than tank top. Based on above information we get one compartment volume is about 6732 gallons. Then as per sheet the TOR will be calculated as 64s. Compared with suggested value, the TOR is proper as the solid have been removed. If we need lower value for sooner liquid velocity we can select bigger impeller, if we need slower the smaller one will be ok. But we need re-calculation until get the precise value
According to above reference we know the 38″ impeller for 16lb/gal liquid is Ok. But there is no value for 38″ impeller then we toward to close one-40″. Thus even higher density fluid to be agitated the safe data will work still. Then we select the agitator can be driven by 10hp motor. So, 38″ impeller and 10hp are ok for agitator on this tank.
Drilling mud guns
Compared with mud agitator, the mud gun will mix or agitate drilling fluid via the nozzle. Drilling fluid after nozzle will flow at high speed. The pressure and velocity will be usually transferred by centrifugal pump. The mud gun will be almost used on compartment or compartment lower fluids.
So we usually operate mud guns together with mud agitators. They will agitate all drilling fluid more completely and throughly.
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