Shaker screen selection general information
Shaker screen selection is a complex problem. Screens should be selected as per detail working conditions. Such as the drilling mud property, the cuttings content, the drill depth, etc.
Why shaker screen selection is important?
Shaker screen selection is rather important. As the processing drilling fluid through shale shaker screens, centrifugal pumps, hydrocyclones, and drill-bit nozzles can cause degradation of solids and aggravate problems associated with fine solids in the drilling fluid. To remove drilled solids as soon as possible, additional shakers are installed at the flowline so that the finest screen may be used Sometimes as many as 6 to 10 parallel shakers are used. Downstream equipment is often erroneously eliminated. The improved shale shaker still remains only one component (though a very important one) of the drilled-solids removal system

Shaker screen selection
New selection way of shaker screen
Some proprietary computer programs are available that reportedly allow predictions of screen sizes used on some shale shakers. Most of these computer programs have been verified with data taken from laboratory-prepared drilling fluid with limited property variation Different drilling-fluid ingredients can reduce the capacity of a shaker system. For example, a drilling fluid containing starch is difficult to screen because starch, acting as a good filtration control additive tends to plug small openings in screens. Drilling fluids with high ge strengths are also difficult to screen through fine screens. No charts will be presented here that purport to predict screen sizes that wil handle certain flow rates. Screen selection for various shale shakers is primarily a trial-and-error evaluation. The best advice is to contact the manufacturer for recommendations for various geographical areas.
New development and service
Shaker screen selection programs have been developed by many companies to predict the quantity of solids that can be removed from a drilling fluid by various shaker screens on specific commercial shakers. Most programs start by assuming that the flow rate of drilled solids reaching the surface is identical to the generation rate of the drilled solids. Unfortunately, many drilled solids are stored in the well bore and do not reach the surface in the order in which they are drilled Frequently, in long intervals of open hole, as many drilled solids enter the drilling fluid from the sides of the well bore as are generated by a drill bit.
Please don’t be hesitated to contact your supplier or engineer for detail selection guidance.