Polyurethane screen panels are made of high quality polyurethane. Some are framed panels, some are hook strap type.
Polyurethane screen panels description
Polyurethane screen can be used in many different industry. Including the slurry separation, sand cleaning, mining, coal washing, and so on. For different use there are different design. Why we use polyurethane screen? Urethane holding many great features including abrasion resistant, anti-corrosive, oil-resistant, and so on
For mud process, the polyurethane screen can be used in HDD mud recycling, the piling desanding, and the slurry separation. We ever designed many system and equipment used in micron tunneling desanding plant.

Polyurethane screen panels
The urethane screen panels are fit on double deck shaker. It can help do the coarse solids separation or removal. Used opening size is from 0.75mm to 3.0mm. Per clients’ demand we’ll design different proposal
Different mud process
For drilling, no matter vertical or horizontal, the drilling mud process means drilling fluids recycling or circulation. It will help enhance efficiency and cut down cost. For piling and tunneling, the mud process means solid-liquid separation.
Oilfield well drilling, we usually don’t use polyurethane screen, especially the hook strap soft one. HDD, Piling, tunneling or trenchless we will use the urethane screen including soft panel and the framed plate.
In piling and tunneling separation plant, clients prefer the hard framed urethane panels to separate solids out of liquid. Such panels strength is sufficient for dewatering shaker, and the solid to be removed

Urethane framed screen
Aipu polyurethane screens
Aipu provide different types of polyurethane screen. Such as the soft hook strap type. The hook can be metal type embed urethane piece steadily. Also the hook can be just a steel strip injected with urethane as C shape. This hook side and screen is common piece panel
Furthermore, there are polyurethane screen with metal rod, or plate. The framed panel can be fit with fastener, or clamping wedge block
Opening size varies from type to type. There are 0.075mm, 0.1mm, 0.4, 0.5, … … to 10mm and even coarser.
Please feel free to contact us for more detail or any demand.