Shaker screen failures will lead to many problems. What will cause screen failure? How should we solve it?

Shaker screen failures
Shaker screen failures
Including surface cloth broken (with large crack), rubber strip pill off from panel, the screen common abrasion on screen cloth and support frame or back plate. If they are composite screens, the screen cloth may pill off from composite frame. Furthermore, the improper fabrication may lead whole screen panel crack. Such as the welding line or point between plate and tubes.
When we face the failures please treat it seriously but rationally. We need to find out the causes for solutions.
Screen failure causes
The causes of premature screen failure are:
- Mishandling of screen panels during storage
- Improper handling during installation
- Improper installation of shaker screen to shaker basket
- Improper selection on mesh size
- Shale shaker is not in good condition
- Over/Under tensioning
- Dirty, worn or improperly installed deck rubbers
- Improper cleaning of the screens while in storage
- Extremely high mud weight
- Heavy solids loading
- Improperly manufactured screens
- Use of high pressure wash guns to clean or un-blind screens
Screen failure solutions
Shaker screen is rather important for well drilling. We ever talked about this many times. Solve the screen failures are more important than change screen suppliers. As we are not sure if new supplier can provide right screen based on present working condition
If we face screen failures we have to send feedback to screen supplier. Get them as more detail as we can. Such as working condition, service life, supposed failure reason, compared with original screens performance which aspect should be improved. We can get the record of original screen operation compared with replacement screen operation under the same working condition. Then we'll find more helpful reference.
According to practical failures and technique support we can confirm the causes. Then provide the solutions. For example, if the failure is because of bad shaker condition we have to maintain or repair shaker firstly.For almost causes, we can find we need to operate shaker and screens properly. Do the operation according to manufacturers' guidance and instruction.
Different users will always give us different feedbacks on same model screen. So on same failures we may also have various solutions. Please contact us if you have such problem or confusion