Tensioning shaker screen actually is the screen installation way. The screen panel will be installed with tensioning bolts and draw bar. The Pre-tensioned screen means the manufacture technique
Tensioning shaker screen
There are soft hook strip screen and hard hook strip screen. Difference including the back support plate. Soft tensioning screen can be plastic back support or unbonded type. Hard hook strip screen panel is the screen cloth bonded on steel back plate

Tensioning shaker screen
For soft hook strip screen, the back plastic material can be diamond shape hole, rectangular hole, square hole, or other pattern. If we manufacture it as un-bonded screen, we usually use only one layer screen with thicker wire relatively to common 2 layer screen of same mesh size
Hard tensioning shaker screen presently are almost made with back plate punched with square, and/or rectangular hole. New technique and latest procedure lead beautiful appearance and long operational life.
Pre-tensioned shaker screen panel
We ever talked about the pre-tensioned shaker screen. It is one kind of manufacture technique. It means prior to screen combination between frame and cloth, the S.S wire mesh should be tensioned with special tool or device. This will make screen cloth more even, tensioned rather plain with sufficient extension. So during adherence, the whole screen surface will be more beautiful and benefits screen service life

Pre-tensioned shaker screen
The pretensioned screen can be any type of the screen panel. Such as hook strip, the frame screen, the flat or the corrugated screen. If we use the pre-tension technique properly, we'll get better quality screen panel definitely
How to order tensioning and pre-tensioned screen?
Please tell your supplier do you need which type screen? Hard hook or soft hook strip? If you need them pre-tensioned or not. Tensioning shaker screen hook, do you prefer "U" shape, or "C" shape, or just simple "L" shape?
If your screen panel is very special and rarely used in the market, please also advise detail dimension and exact size you need. Hook side length, the width from hook side to another hook side.
Usually, the shook shape won't impact much on replacement screen installation. But the whole dimension and hook proper design will affect.
Please come to Aipu solids control if you have further question on shaker screens.