Tag: drying-shale-shaker

Drying shale shaker for waste management

on 31 May 2018  Solids control equipment  Dry shaker, Drying screen, Drying shaker, Drying shale shaker

Drying shale shaker is the shaker holding Hi-G vibration strength can achieve drying or dewatering effect. We usually use it in drilling waste management

Drying shale shaker description

Drying shaker can be used in oil base fluid waste process or water base mud waste management. Drying shaker at Aipu holding vibration strength up to 8.0G. Such high vibration strength will help to get better dewatering result

To achieve drying function, there are finer screen opening and higher vibration strength. Considering high volume and better result, higher upward deck angle is recommended.

Drying shale shaker

Drying shale shaker

Different base drilling fluid, we will put on different type screen panel. Including the common solids control shaker screen, or the wedge wire mesh panel, the polyurethane panel, the punched sheet panel, and so on

Many users prefer large volume so we suggest twin shakers.

More details on drying shaker

For drying shaker, the linear motion is more suitable. Deck angle is suggested with a higher degree for better performance even with large quantity feedings.

Drying shaker at Aipu is 4-panel mounted. Sufficient filtration area will help get better process result with drier solids effluent. The vibrating motor is powerful with a strong vibration strength. We suggest 2.6HP, even 3.5HP

High mesh size with fine, extra fine cut point and strong vibration strength will help us get a drier discharge and save much cost on further disposal and dewatering

Urethane framed screen

Urethane framed screen

Spare parts including shaker screen, rubber strip, spring, and so on. The vibration motor is easy to operate and maintain. Vibrator motor manufacturer doesn't suggest user repair motor avoid further inconvenience or damage.

Cost of Aipu drying shaker

Aipu drying shaker is competitive and high cost-efficiency. The qualified material, reliable motors and efficient performance are appreciated by users. Future maintenance is mainly the shaker screen replacement.

Upon the proper and legal operation, the motors can run up to 3 years with no failure. The spring can be replaced over 1 year. The rubber strip is rather anti-abrasive and anti-corrosive

For one year operation, including the shaker cost, it's only about USD20000. Please feel free to contact Aipu for detail quotation or further information